
This guide will walk you through what to expect at a disclosure hearing, and what you will need to know to go in prepared. This is only a brief summary of your rights.  There are other ways a creditor can collect a debt from you.  If you have more questions, contact your nearest PTLA office.

A disclosure hearing can happen once a creditor has a judgment against you for money you owe. Sometimes the creditor must take you to court to find out what property and income you have. This is called a disclosure hearing.

Is this guide for you?

You can use this guide if:

  • You lost a debt collection court case, and
  • You are scheduled for a disclosure hearing, or think you might be soon.

You can start with Disclosure Basics to learn more about the disclosure process and get answers to some of the most frequently asked disclosure questions. There is also a video there that gives a general overview of some of the most important things to know about your disclosure hearing.

How to use this classroom

We've created this classroom so you can walk through a process step-by-step and keep track of your progress. The general topics are on the left side of your screen. With this classroom, you don't need to complete all the steps. You can choose to read only the steps that you want to learn about.

  • Click on the name of the step you want to visit OR use the “next” and “previous” buttons at the bottom of each page to go between sections of the classroom.
  • Click the gray checkmark next to each step when you’re done. It will turn green. Next time you come back to the classroom, you can pick up where you left off.
  • OR read through the steps without checking them off just to learn more about the process. If you check something off by mistake,  just click on the checkmark again to un-check it.

Created March, 2017