
We offer this classroom to help you through the process of getting a divorce in Maine. We hope that this will help you feel more confident about dealing with the legal system.

Is this classroom for you?

You may use this classroom if:

  • You are married
  • You do not have children with your current married partner, and
  • You want to get a divorce

If you are married, but you have children together, this is not the guide for you. Go here for information about getting a divorce if you have mutual children.

How to use this classroom

We've set up this classroom to reflect the most common path divorces take. The numbered steps are in the order you will need to complete them.

We've created this classroom so you can walk through a process step-by-step and keep track of your progress. The general topics are on the left side of your screen.

  • Click on the name of the step you want to visit OR use the “next” and “previous” buttons at the bottom of each page to go between sections of the classroom.
  • Click the gray checkmark next to each step when you’re done. It will turn green. Next time you come back to the classroom, you can pick up where you left off.
  • OR read through the steps without checking them off just to learn more about the process. If you check something off by mistake, just click on the checkmark again to un-check it.


You may want to start by watching this video. It gives a quick overview of the entire divorce process. This video was made for people with children who are getting a divorce. It will cover many things you need to know, like service of forms, but also includes information that only applies if you have children. The process is different, but many of the steps are the same. The video is a good overview, but use this classroom to learn about what to expect in your case.