Whether you are required to pay any taxes will depend on how long you are in the U.S. on the contract and how much money you earn.
When you arrive at your farm, your employer will have you fill-up some forms. Your employer may permit you to have money withheld form your pay each week for payment to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are not having withholding and you want it, ask your employer. Most employers are already doing withholding for other workers and so there is no problem adding to the list. The employer has tables to help you decided how much to withhold, so that it is not too much and too little compared to you end of year tax bill. You must sign authorizations for withholding.
If you have withholdings, you will see it as a deduction on your pay receipt. Your employer then sends the money to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) under your name and social security number.
At the end of the year or in January of the following year, your employer provides a W-2 form. It will show your employer’s name and address, your name and address, the amount of money you earned at that job, and the amount of income tax withholding, if any.
You may need to report your income to the US Internal Revenue Service by filing a tax return. If you earned lessthan $4,000 in 2015, you are not required to file a national tax return and you do not need to pay taxes. If you earned morethan $4,000 in 2015, you are required to file a national tax return and report your income.
Getting your tax form filed is your responsibility. It is due April 15 and the U.S. I.R.S. for the prior year return. If not filed by April 15 then you will be charged a penalty for filing late. The I.R.S. will add monthly interest to penalty and taxes owed.
Depending on which state you are working in, you may also need to file a state tax return.
We believe that for Massachusetts, Vermont and Rhode Island, if you are not required to file a national tax return, then you are not required to file a state tax return
In Maine, if you earned more than $3,000.00, working in Maine, you are required to file a state tax return.
In New Hampshire, there is no state income tax and you are not required to file a state tax return.
- In New York and Connecticut, the tax laws are more complicated and you will need further information.
If you have any questions, please contact one of our offices.
H-2A workers are now required to have Social Security numbers in the United States. Here is what you need to know:
- H-2A workers cannot be required to pay Social Security or Medicare taxes.
- Your boss cannot deduct Social Security or Medicare taxes from your pay.
- H-2A workers are not eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits.
- Your Social Security number is private. Do not share your number or let others use it. Keep the card in a safe place.
You are free to choose any tax preparer you would like. If you are in the Jamaican H-2A Program, you can chose assistance available exclusively to you. TheFlorida East Coast Travel Services Inc. also known as FLECTS is in Hialeah Florida.
FLECTS can prepare your tax returns when they have your W-2 form. FLECTS will determine if you owe taxes or if you will receive a refund. For workers living in the US longer than 183 days the tax return can be filed electronically but filing electronically is not allowed for shorter term contracts.
Karen Castillo and Carolina Alvarez are the people at FLECTS who work on taxes for Jamaican H-2A workers. They can answer your questions. If FLECTS has prepared your tax return for you and you have any problems or questions, please call them.
May 2016