Brewster Legacy Society

Make justice your legacy.
Make justice your legacy by leaving a bequest in your estate plan to Pine Tree Legal Assistance. Your bequest will ensure that we remain the front line resource for families and individuals confronting domestic violence, migrant worker abuses, the loss of housing or other basic necessities, and other wrongs.
Leaving a bequest is easy.
Here is sample bequest language you can use in your will:

“I hereby bequeath to Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc., a nonprofit organization located at 88 Federal Street, Portland, ME 04101, the sum of $____ (or ____ % of my residuary estate) for the unrestricted purposes of the organization.

Here is more information you might want to include:
• Our legal name is "Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc."
• Our administrative address is 88 Federal Street, Portland, ME 04101.
• Our tax ID number is 01-02 79387.
• We were incorporated on June 14, 1966.

Seward “Pat” Brewster
Seward "Pat" BrewsterSeward "Pat" BrewsterIn late 1965, a young Augusta lawyer named Seward “Pat” Brewster became concerned about the lack of access to justice for all and sought to establish legal aid for the poor.
Pat led the effort to create the nation’s first statewide legal services organization. On June 14, 1966 Pine Tree Legal Assistance was incorporated to provide legal information and representation to low-income Mainers.
Pat founded Pine Tree Legal Assistance because he believed in the American promise of “justice for all.” He had a lifelong commitment to Pine Tree, serving as a founding father, board member, and champion of justice, while continuing his law career.
The Seward “Pat” Brewster Legacy Society now recognizes those who continue that tradition of support for Pine Tree’s mission through planned giving.

If you are planning a gift to Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc. in your estate plan and would like to be recognized as part of the Seward “Pat” Brewster Legacy Society, please contact us. 
This information is not intended to be legal or tax advice. Please contact your financial advisor for more information about including a legacy gift to Pine tree Legal Assistance in your estate plan.